Rooted in Language Podcast
Enjoy the Rooted in Language podcast as we explore literacy, education, parenting, teaching, and supporting students of all ages. As part of the RiL mission, we support students who struggle with reading and writing. Listen in as we share ideas, strategies, experiences, and thoughts about how to build the best educational environment for your children and students. Gather great ideas to implement in your homeschool, classroom, or anywhere you are learning and teaching. For literacy materials to use in your teaching, visit our webiste: For more great ideas, visit our YouTube channel:
Tuesday Oct 24, 2017
Tuesday Oct 24, 2017
Join the Rooted in Language team as Rita, Tracy, Moira, & Claire discuss the how, what, and why of their products and classes. They delve into the philosophies behind their work and the supporting structures that they believe in.
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Join Rita, Tracy, and Claire as they discuss Annotating Literary Elements. Rooted in Language has created a curriculum to guide you and your children through the complex process of annotation. They discuss the "why" and "how" of annotation to increase critical reading, writing, and thinking skills.